Friday 7 September 2012

And the jobs are out..

This year room 9 will be using 'The Mini Economy'. This means that our classroom basically works like an economy. Everyone has a job, which they applied for, they get wages for their job and they pay bills such as rent and electricty. Every Friday the girls will receive a cheque which they can cash in the classroom bank before spending their wages in the class shop.
All week the girls from room 9 have been preparing for the start of the mini economy. Together we decided what jobs we would have in our class and how much each job would pay. The girls then applied for the job they wanted and put lots of hard work into their application letters. Here are the results;

Lunchbox carriers - Teresa and Eseoghene
Teacher's assistants - Patricija and Elizabeta
Messengers - Leanne and Lenka
Bankers - Saoirse and Denisa
Shopkeepers - Ella and Brooke
Reminder - Andzelika
Librarian - Leyzanelle
Line leaders - Evelina and Armanda
Safety officer - Anna
Energy monitor - GrĂ¡inne
Whiteboard eraser - Amy
Payroll clerk - Amaze Grace
Art directors - Shantel and Mecheile
Substitute - Courtney 
Litter Warden - Nora

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