Friday 28 September 2012

News from Room 9

Hi my name is Courtney O ’Halloran and I along with my classmates are reporting news from Room 9. So sit back and relax because this is going to be fun….
v In our classroom we have a board that teacher puts some of our work on. It’s called the work to ‘bee` proud of board. It’s full of bumble bees. Lenka and Leyza’s beautiful work was put on the board this week. Every time people from our class do work nicely our teacher will put it up so that the whole classes will see how well we can do our work.
Armanda krupeninaite
v This week in Religion we made our own promises.  We got a sticky note and wrote out our promises for the year, for example I promise to say a nice thing to someone every day. It was fun.  Today we are going to computers it will be very fun, I can’t wait.
Grainne Caffrey
v I’ll tell you all about our Food Pyramid. In art we are doing a Food Pyramid made out of magazines and it will look amazing when it will be finished. I’m in the vegetables group with Armanda and Mecheile. It’s really fun because you look though magazines to find pictures of vegetables.
Lenka Voskarova 
v Swimming will be after school for girls who can swim a full length of the swimming pool. This week we are doing our multiples of 4 and to remember them we play some games at maths time such as buzz and bang.
                                Shantel Camora

Friday 21 September 2012

Third Class become hunter gatherers!

This week we have been learning all about the first farmers. They arrived in Ireland over 6 thousand years ago. Our class tried to imagine what life would be like back then by pretending to be a young hunter gatherer. This is what Nora thought life would be like.

My name is Nora and I am a hunter gather. I am going to tell you all about my day. Today I got up at six in the morning. When I got up the first thing I did was to go and got berries. I found lots of berries. My mum and my sister got insects. When I got home I found my dad with a deer. We killed it with a sharp stick. Then we cut it up. Last we cooked it and then ate it. My mum and I made clothes with the skin; with the bones we made jewellery.
By Nora Abdel Rahim
Third Class

Tuesday 18 September 2012


We will have P.E. every Tuesday. Don't forget to wear your tracksuit and runners!

Tin Whistle

Our class will have tin whistle every Wednesday up until the 5th of December. Can you please remember to bring your tin whistle and your notes.

Friday 7 September 2012

And the jobs are out..

This year room 9 will be using 'The Mini Economy'. This means that our classroom basically works like an economy. Everyone has a job, which they applied for, they get wages for their job and they pay bills such as rent and electricty. Every Friday the girls will receive a cheque which they can cash in the classroom bank before spending their wages in the class shop.
All week the girls from room 9 have been preparing for the start of the mini economy. Together we decided what jobs we would have in our class and how much each job would pay. The girls then applied for the job they wanted and put lots of hard work into their application letters. Here are the results;

Lunchbox carriers - Teresa and Eseoghene
Teacher's assistants - Patricija and Elizabeta
Messengers - Leanne and Lenka
Bankers - Saoirse and Denisa
Shopkeepers - Ella and Brooke
Reminder - Andzelika
Librarian - Leyzanelle
Line leaders - Evelina and Armanda
Safety officer - Anna
Energy monitor - GrĂ¡inne
Whiteboard eraser - Amy
Payroll clerk - Amaze Grace
Art directors - Shantel and Mecheile
Substitute - Courtney 
Litter Warden - Nora